There've been lots of progress since the last time I've posted photos of our house-building project. Here's what's been happening so far.
Windows are being installed. Here's the picture of our formal and informal living room:
This is the family hall. The ceiling's been there for quite a while now. I still don't know what they plan to do to cover the wood panels. It's either paint or vinyr. I'd rather go for just plain paint:
The yard still looks like the desert. I'm planning to have have the gardeners start fertilizing the soil after Holy Week. I don't want my mom moving in to this dryness.
Here's our biggest debate recently. Whether to get center lights, probably chandeliers, for our formal living and informal living room. I say it's too much since we're installing 2 chandeliers in the dining, 3 sets of drop lighting on the staircase landing, and a really fancy non-crystal chandelier on the foyer. Statement lights everywhere is too much, isn't it? Interior designer's still trying to convince me to install crystal chandeliers on both formal and informal. I'm thinking of just leaving the ceiling alone with the basic pin lights and cove lighting, OR, I plan to customize my own flat light piece.
This is Iris' bedroom. It doesn't blue in the photo. I got her the nicest blue tiles you'll ever see. It's so rich in blue and white that you'd want to lick it right then and there.
My diva tiles arrived to day. I love it.
The main lanai's ceiling is almost done. It's pretty to look at.
Mom's accent tiles also arrived today. It was more fascinating the first time I saw it. But I guess it's ok. It looks like a mom's bathroom anyway.:)
So there. Craziness has begun and stress is taking it's toll on my body. I haven't eaten a meal on time the whole week. Yesterday I woke up tired and sick and I still had to get my ass out of bed to finalize remaining tile requirements and other things like kitchen sinks and faucets and pin lights and a thousand more things.
4 more weeks.
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