Janah is an interior designer who worked with me once when we renovated our house in Manila. She worked with my favorite uncle when he was renovating his house. She worked with my aunt when she was renovating hers. In short, Janah's a family friend, and a very good friend to me. We've gone on adventures a couple of times and I love her to death. She's a creative inspiration. She's fun and quirky and. I dunno. I love her.
After almost a year of construction, I've already lost my sense of creativity in this project. I am guilty of settling for convenience and safe instead of getting well sourced items and design. My mom's so square, she doesn't get me. And Ariel, our interior designer for this project, I love him too and he's great and he works wonders to address beauty and function but he doesn't understand yellow chandeliers and orange chairs like Janah does. I take it this way: Ariel would give me french vanilla ice cream for a room, Janah would give me magenta cherries to top my ice cream.
So anyway, here's a few new things that I'm pegging for the house.
This wire chandelier is amazing! I can't believe I missed this. Suddenly all my light fixtures are boring and statement-less. I love this. I think I'll get huge one for the guest house. Nevermind cleaning issues. It's too pretty to be ignored.
Wire Chandelier |
This I thought of last week but the people I cureently work with don't agree. Now I'm convinced that I can pull this off. Mustard yellow and royal blue headboards with captione for the guest rooms. I like this peg, minus all the black. I'll see if I could work on that same pattern for both rooms.
I never knew what to do with the attic until I saw this photo. Too beautiful. I'm turning it into a craft room that looks exactly like this. I just don't know why Audrey Hepburn looks like she's wearing a pirate's hat in that photo.
Craft Room |
I don't know where to get this and I am convinced that I am capable of making my own version of this for Iris' room. She'll feel like a baby staring at a butterfly mobile every day and every night for the rest of her life.
Last but not the lest, I'm turning my closet into this:
I originally wanted a B&W family photo wall with plain black frames, but Janah told me to try to mix classic and modern frames in one wall. I saw this and I'm not too sure if I'll be able to pull it off. I'm now thinking of mixing photos and paintings done by family members since I have some of my works still kept somewhere and Victor's been painting recently. Im still not sure where to put it though.
Photo Wall |
I'm obsessing over my soon to be koi pond. I want it to look as vintage as possible. None of that minimalist zen garden feel. We've already agreed with trellises. Now I just have to convince them to make it round. My grandma will love this.
I need to find vintage Vogue magazines. I need more pictures like this:
I wish I lived in this era. |
HAAAAH! Just kiddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!! :) I'll get punished for a closet like this. haha!
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